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24 Bit Bitmap
I am having an issue loading 24 bit bmps I export from GIMP. I load a BMP and export it as a 32 bit BMP and 24 bit BMP. Once I export the 24 bit BMP, I can no longer open it in GIMP (Unrecognized format or compression error). I have tried this on several machines with v2.10. No luck. I can open the 24 bit BMPs in MS Paint with no problem. Any ideas?
I have attached one of the many I cannot open.
Thanks for your time

Attached Files
.bmp   G_CROP.bmp (Size: 172.92 KB / Downloads: 629)
I opened the file in and saved it with Now it can be loaded in gimp without problems.

.bmp   G_CROP c.bmp (Size: 229.93 KB / Downloads: 391)
(11-20-2020, 04:21 PM)denzjos Wrote: I opened the file in and saved it with Now it can be loaded in gimp without problems.

That worked. However, when I loaded it back into GIMP  and re-exported it as a 24 bit BMP, it broke it again. I guess GIMP has a bug working with 24 bit BMPs. Going through every time to edit is bizarre, but better than nothing.. Thanks for the response.
When exporting the .bmp enable, Do not write colour space information

(11-20-2020, 05:00 PM)rich2005 Wrote: When exporting the .bmp enable, Do not write colour space information

That worked!. Thank you.

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