12-10-2021, 11:24 AM
hi guys,
glad i found the forum, lurked about for a while
my problem is........i make skins for games, all fine there, but they are usually matt, which is all ok for the ones i was doing, but now i need a shiny surface on some parts, say aluminium on a plane etc.
i have tried various ways, dragging the alpha1 into layers, painting areas i need in greyscale, light.dark etc, draging back onto channels, de activating, flatten image add alpha, the plane for example is still there and finished, but its still matte?
it has to be saved as a dds file.
if it helps, i want to use gimp fully, atm i use PS to make my image, save as ps file, open in gimp add alpha export dds, reason being im not familliar yet with all of gimps ways, but learning and ps dont support dds in win 10
thank you for your time n help, sorry bout long 1st post and hpe you get what i mean
glad i found the forum, lurked about for a while

my problem is........i make skins for games, all fine there, but they are usually matt, which is all ok for the ones i was doing, but now i need a shiny surface on some parts, say aluminium on a plane etc.
i have tried various ways, dragging the alpha1 into layers, painting areas i need in greyscale, light.dark etc, draging back onto channels, de activating, flatten image add alpha, the plane for example is still there and finished, but its still matte?
it has to be saved as a dds file.
if it helps, i want to use gimp fully, atm i use PS to make my image, save as ps file, open in gimp add alpha export dds, reason being im not familliar yet with all of gimps ways, but learning and ps dont support dds in win 10
thank you for your time n help, sorry bout long 1st post and hpe you get what i mean