I'm trying to port a Gimp 2 script to Gimp 3 and got most of it figured out by trying stuff out in the python console.
I've hit a snag with lines 65 and 129 with "Tile = layer_offscreen.get_tile(False, tile_row, tile_col)".
in Gimp 3 "drawable.get_tile()" doesn't exist, what is the alternative to this?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from gimpfu import *
def sprites2layers(image, layer, sample, minimal_dimensions):
"Separates objects on one layer to their own layer. Handy for Spritesheets"
image -- The current image.
layer -- The layer of the image that is selected.
sample -- sample every nth pixel of layer tile
minimal_dimensions -- minimal dimension of object to be placed in "objects" layer group
# Start timer
time_start = time.time()
# Check image type (RGB/Greyscale or Indexed) and if layer has alpha, if not stop this script with a warning
no_alpha_warning='This layer has no alpha, please add an alpha channel for this script to work'
if image.base_type == 0:
image_mode = 'RGB'
if layer.bpp != 4:
if image.base_type == 1:
image_mode = 'Greyscale'
if layer.bpp != 2:
if image.base_type == 2:
image_mode = 'Indexed'
if layer.bpp != 2:
tile_width = gimp.tile_width()
tile_height = gimp.tile_height()
layer_copy = layer.copy()
# Context setters for pdb.gimp_image_select_contiguous_color()
# Counters for objects in layer groups
counter_good = 1
counter_bad = 1
# Tile rows and columns of layer_copy
tile_rows = int( (layer_copy.height + tile_height - 1) / tile_height)
tile_cols = int( (layer_copy.width + tile_width - 1) / tile_width)
# create an 'off-screen' copy of layer_copy (not added to the canvas)
layer_offscreen = layer_copy.copy()
# Loop over tiles of layer_offscreen
for tile_row in range(tile_rows):
for tile_col in range(tile_cols):
Tile = layer_offscreen.get_tile(False, tile_row, tile_col)
# Loop over pixels of tiles
for tile_y in range(0, Tile.eheight, sample):
for tile_x in range(0, Tile.ewidth, sample):
pixel = Tile[tile_x, tile_y]
# Split components of imag_mode to get the alpha
# RGBA image
if image_mode == 'RGB':
R,G,B,A = Tile[tile_x, tile_y]
# Greyscale or Indexed image
if image_mode == 'Greyscale' or image_mode == 'Indexed':
I,A = Tile[tile_x, tile_y]
# If pixel is not completely transparent select it and neighbouring non-transparent pixels
if ord( A ) > 0:
layer_pixel_pos_x = tile_col * tile_height + tile_x
layer_pixel_pos_y = tile_row * tile_width + tile_y
pdb.gimp_image_select_contiguous_color(image, 2, layer_copy, layer_pixel_pos_x, layer_pixel_pos_y)
# Create a layer for an object and assign it to 'small objects' layer group or
# 'objects layer group' based on criteria "min_dimensions"
object_layer = layer_copy.copy()
x1, y1, x2, y2 = layer_copy.mask_bounds
# 'small objects' layer group
if x2 - x1 < minimal_dimensions and y2 - y1 < minimal_dimensions:
if counter_bad == 1 and (image_mode == 'RGB' or image_mode == 'Greyscale'):
layer_group_bad = pdb.gimp_layer_group_new(image)
layer_group_bad.name = 'small objects'
object_layer.name = "trash {:04d} ({:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d})".format(counter_bad, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
counter_bad += 1
if image_mode == 'RGB' or image_mode == 'Greyscale':
image.active_layer = layer_group_bad
# Add object to layer_group_bad at the last position
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, object_layer, layer_group_bad, len(layer_group_bad.layers))
# 'objects' layer group
if counter_good == 1 and (image_mode == 'RGB' or image_mode == 'Greyscale'):
layer_group_good = pdb.gimp_layer_group_new(image)
layer_group_good.name = 'objects'
object_layer.name = "object {:04d} ({:d}, {:d}, {:d}, {:d})".format(counter_good, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
counter_good += 1
if image_mode == 'RGB' or image_mode == 'Greyscale':
image.active_layer = layer_group_good
# Add object to layer_group_good at the last position
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, object_layer, layer_group_good, len(layer_group_good.layers))
# Add object to active layer which is one of the two layer groups
# "Auto crop" object layer
object_layer.resize(x2 - x1, y2 - y1, -x1, -y1)
# Remove/erase selection from layer_copy
image.active_layer = layer_copy
# Update tile, by updating layer_offscreen, by copying layer_copy
layer_offscreen = layer_copy.copy()
Tile = layer_offscreen.get_tile(False, tile_row, tile_col)
# Remove layer_copy and layer_offscreen from canvas and memory
# Reset context settings to their default values.
# End timer and display number of objects, small objects and timer seconds up to milliseconds in error console
time_end = time.time()
gimp.message('INFO:\n-{:d} objects found\n'.format(counter_good - 1) +
'-{:d} small objects found\n'.format(counter_bad - 1) +
'-time taken: {:.3f} seconds'.format(time_end - time_start))
### Parameters
imageParm = (PF_IMAGE , "image" , "Input image" , None)
layerParm = (PF_DRAWABLE, "layer" , "Input layer" , None)
sampleParm = (PF_INT , "sample" , "Sample every nth pixel", 1 )
mindimParm = (PF_INT , "minimal_dimensions", "Minimal dimension" , 10 )
### Registrations
name = "mich-sprites-2-layers"
blurb = "Objects to layers"
help = "Separates objects on one layer to their own layer. Handy for Spritesheets"
author = "Mich"
copyright = "Mich"
date = "2018-01-28"
menu_item = "sprites2layers..."
imagetypes = "*"
params = [imageParm, layerParm, sampleParm, mindimParm]
results = []
function = sprites2layers
menupath = "<Image>/Layer"
### Registrations
name ,
blurb ,
help ,
author ,
copyright ,
date ,
menu_item ,
params ,
results ,
function ,
I've hit a snag with lines 65 and 129 with "Tile = layer_offscreen.get_tile(False, tile_row, tile_col)".
in Gimp 3 "drawable.get_tile()" doesn't exist, what is the alternative to this?