Thanks ofnuts for improving that shell code :
I pasted-in python2 without over-writing any files in the original snap pack. I wanted to have a 'drop-in' python2 to automate it.
Link to the python2 ubuntu snap.
Any testers are welcome. Snap is already in later Ubuntus but it needs to be installed 'dangerously'
'sudo snap install --dangerous ./gimp_2.10.34_python2_amd64.snap'
It becomes the system Gimp in Ubuntu and can be uninstalled with
'sudo snap remove gimp'
Plug-ins and scripts go here in a snap pack:
users home/snap/gimp/x1/.config/GIMP/2.10/
I pasted-in python2 without over-writing any files in the original snap pack. I wanted to have a 'drop-in' python2 to automate it.
Link to the python2 ubuntu snap.
Any testers are welcome. Snap is already in later Ubuntus but it needs to be installed 'dangerously'
'sudo snap install --dangerous ./gimp_2.10.34_python2_amd64.snap'
It becomes the system Gimp in Ubuntu and can be uninstalled with
'sudo snap remove gimp'
Plug-ins and scripts go here in a snap pack:
users home/snap/gimp/x1/.config/GIMP/2.10/