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Background disappears when using Scale Tool
Brand new gimpster here, please be gentle!

I'm using GIMP 2.10.30 on Windows 10 64-bit.

(Irrelevant, but background): I am trying to prepare eight individual photo crops (of the same size), ultimately to drag into a master montage/canvas featuring all eight.

My problem: 

I appreciate there will be easier ways of doing this, but as I'm a newbie, I am following Method 2 of this YouTube video as it seemed fairly straightforward to follow:

Unfortunately, when I get to the step where I choose the Scale tool (Tools>Transform>Scale), my background image disappears, and instead transforms into a chequerboard, meaning that I cannot resize the image behind the crop selection (see video), before ultimately making my chosen crop.

The best explanation I could find on replicating my issue was this one:

...but even after trying to follow these instructions it doesn't resolve and I am stuck. Please note that, as per a step of the video, I am deliberately setting the Opacity to 50 per cent so that I can see the background image and manipulate it to the preferred position behind my crop window before making the final crop. 

I've spent several hours on this and (without wishing to go into too many details), the photos are of something I need to discuss with my doctor, so I'm anxious to get this over the line.

Here are a couple of screen shots: just in case you're scared of the sight of blood, I've changed the photos to two of my regular peanut butter sandwich-loving wild visitors instead!

On the first screenshot (having set the initial Crop window to my chosen 480x540 pixel size), things are going as planned:


However, on the second (after hitting the Scale Tool), two things occur differently from the YouTube Autobot video tutorial I have described above:

Firstly, the background image disappears

Secondly, the "handles" around the image and the centre square with a "plus sign" inside it appear around the crop selection, and not around the background selection and therefore do not allow me to resize (make smaller) so that my selection can be fitted into the 50 per cent opaque crop window.


As a reminder, from the video, this (below) is how I would hope to see things: chequerboard crop window, opaqued background image with handles round allowing me to drag and resize


To you guys it will be dead simple, I'm sure, but I'm losing the will to live here! Please dive in and help out, thanks.
It is not difficult. You have possibly omitted a setting somewhere along the work-flow.

I have to confess, I have never user the crop tool with the scaling into the crop size as an objective (live and learn)

The things to look out for:

Crop - toolbox, Make sure that "Delete cropped pixels"  is OFF
Draw the crop and adjust to required size in the toolbox. Click in the crop area to finish it.

Go to the View Menu and enable "Show-All" This lets you see what is cropped.

Use the Scale tool to resize to suit.

Back to the View menu, turn off "Show-All" then tidy up using Layer -> Layer to Image Size

40 second demo of that, so do not blink:
Hi Rich,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

Your instructions are clear and straightforward; unfortunately when I choose the "View All" option my background (the crop having been performed as instructed) does not appear as it does so readily in your excellent video. Any additional thoughts/anything in the View section of the screenshot below that is not as you would expect?

In do not know. Your screenshot shows the settings & looks ok.

The only thing that looks off is the Layers thumbnail. That reflects the state of the canvas and that has not been cropped. Look at the title bar and the image size is still 4288x2848 and it should be 480x ??? as the crop settings.

Yet another animation, larger image this time, I put a marker on it to show up in the layers icon. Keep your eye on that and also the canvas size as shown on the title bar.

Edit: It could be where your starting point is for that image. I see on your first screenshot (the two badgers) that you have crop set to "Current Layer Only" that does what it says when there are several layers but you only have one layer. That would leave a crop as last shown.
Thumbs Up 
Rich, we're sorted! 

By following your instructions (not the YouTube video) I have achieved the desired results.

The last of my many rookie blunders was not having the "Show Image Preview" box checked under the Scale Tool option and once I'd sussed that all became clear.

A thousand thank yous for taking the time - couldn't have got there without your super-helpful "Gimp for Dummies" Imgur videos. Cheers again.

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