Gimp works in pixels, not inches / centimetres / points
The equivalence is determined by a pixels-per-xxx setting traditionally pixels-per-inch (PPI) although in Gimp you might get pixels-per-millimetre and have to select PPI.
With your template open, look in
Image -> Print Size which gives the PPI value.
What can you do for guides
Use a grid. Set one up on a per-image-basic
Image -> Configure Grid When you Save (as a .xcf) that setting remains for that image. As an example: This is 300 PPI I can set a grid for 1/8 (0.125) inches and you can see that the pixel spacing is 37.5 pixels, so a grid line might be half a pixel off. The same applies to values like 0.266 inches = 79.8 pix. that ends up as 80 pix. Use the grid to position the guide,
Image -> Show Grid toggles on / off.
How can you place odd value guides, One way is the measure tool see the Key Modifier section. Truthfully this is not easy. A work-around is using a rectangular selection, enter values for the origin (0,0) and the dimension required, then use
Image -> Guides -> New Guides from Selection You get some 'extras' on the edges but it works.
All that is a GUI way, you can use a calculator and determine pixels values PPI x dimension and place them using
Image -> Guide -> New Guide
Just a note: I seem to recall some services such as Amazon Printing have ridiculous requirements, Margins with 4 decimal places. All set up for Adobe Illusrator, which is a vector program, the best you get with Gimp is the closest pixel. The difference is tiny.