Quote:..I'm using 2.8.22. It looks totally different than what you have in the video; maybe that's a PC versus Mac thing?..
I use linux and a regular Gimp 2.8 setup in single window mode. If you are using the default multi-window mode try the gimp menu Windows and enable Single Window Mode
Quote:I downloaded the script, but I have no idea what to do with it. I tried to open it directly, but the computer didn't recognize the file type or have any idea what to open it with. I tried to get Gimp to open it, and Gimp didn't recognize the file type either…? If I have a user scripts folder, I have no idea where it might be..
Yeah, It is going to be a long, hard, up-hill, battle for you.
Gimp has a user profile where you keep your personal scripts, plug-ins, brushes, fonts etc. The only note I have about location in a Mac is /Users/'MyName'/Library/Application Support/Gimp/2.8/scripts but I do know this can vary depending where you got GIMP.
There is a reeference here https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/GIMPProfile/
However, always a however.
That last gif better than the photobucket ones, and as it happens not that difficult to fix. For each layer change replace to combine

You can do that by re-exporting with settings like this:
Although does not teach you much about making animations. Best of luck.