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union two or more layers without duplication?
Im trying to do what i said above, lol. I am new to gimp, hence why i came here. In other graphic software, i can place copies partially over another copy and do a union, where ever they are the same it just becomes one, no duplication of the top layer, and the added layer becomes part of the old added where there is nothing under it. ok

Maybe im using the wrong term union. Its been a long time sine i was in school, or on the job (B2) thank you for you help! Thank you very very much. Ive only been playing in gimp for a few days. Tried to follow some tuts, but didnt see any for this. Made some scrolls and played a little. I just need more experience, lol. i will download that file, how did you get it to load?
lol.  how hard could that be i thought!  yeah.. lol   Thank you

(08-13-2019, 07:11 PM)Human3 Wrote:

Thank you, heck i cant even figure out how to reply to posts here, i edited one and it vanished. lol.  Thank you, im too new to using gimp.  I have watched a couple vids and followed along, but i could not figure out the layer mask with more study, i had wondered if that was how to do it.  I can learn it.  I had also thought to make a pattern next, but i would really have thought gimps code could do the union with no duplicates between visible layers.  other software does it easily.  just using the correct button, lol.  you know.. union, join, etc  but i couldnt do it in that software because it doesnt export jpg, or ping or anything other than its files really, dfx?  hm. ok thank you for all your help. 

I thought gimp was more advanced then it is.  I understand the work arounds, and will learn them.. wondering how you put in a request for some new gimp coding.  its there for selections.... now it just needs to be for full layers.
(08-13-2019, 09:38 PM)Human3 Wrote: In other graphic software, i can place copies partially over another copy and do a union, where ever they are the same it just becomes one,

This is not a case of Gimp versus other graphic software. The problem you are experiencing will occur in other graphic software too.

The problem is overlapping semi-transparent areas. These then become darker when overlapped.

Attached is a screenshot of your xcf file. Note that the area between the white areas is not transparent, but semi-transparent white. The Pointer shows this clearly. For the point used the opacity is 22.7%. If the area between the white was fully transparent it would show as black, but the semi-transparency makes it a blotchy grey.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Quote:...I thought gimp was more advanced then it is.  I understand the work arounds, and will learn them.. wondering how you put in a request for some new gimp coding.  its there for selections.... now it just needs to be for full layers...

Gimp is a great application full of features. I have been using it since version 2.2 and still do not know all the ins-and-outs. Not many things in this world you get for free, including advice. Even etch-a-sketch costs.

Want to union selections to remove the over lap? One way is shown here. 

Direct link:  duration about 3 minutes.

No layer masks in this but using layer masks is something you should try and grasp. It is non-destructive. Who knows when you might come back to an image to make adjustments.

I use a pretty sloppy way of selecting just a layer, that is the way I do it.  (select -> all picks the whole canvas regardless of active layer not true, do not know why I wrote that: although no way to choose a mode). 
Digging through my old files, there is a script for just selecting the boundaries of an active layer. Attached. It might be useful to someone.
Menu entry is bottom of the Select menu. The usual, unzip. Put layer-to-selection.scm in C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\scripts

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 683 bytes / Downloads: 466)
Im not putting down GIMP, not at all!  Just want to click on a button to do a union, lol or join, or whatever between layers, like i can in Silhouette software, you can download that for free even if you dont have the machine.  Maybe you can see what i mean?  I understand what you mean.. and doh!  yeah in silhouette its nothing more than lines..... ah.. yes.. 

Thank you i will watch it.  Yes love free help!  I used to give the free help when i was younger too, was once a guru of blender, years ago in a far off land (before they used it to make the first movie with it).  I havent played with this for years, and when i need something i just used the old 'photo draw'?  i love that its so easy, of course many things it cannot do.  

Etch a sketch, lol.  My grandparents gave me one of those, i wanted it so much, and WHAT A PAIN  it was.. lol, how old was i then.. i dont know when it came out. lol yeah oldie here.  

I just need to learn it, as you say it really is powerful, i will never learn it all before im gone, lol.  And then there is the short term memory loss o.0

Take care and thank you!

you made the pattern for me! i was ready to make it too, thank you so much, its perfect! I watched a video for how to make a simple pattern just dots, and thought this would be a challenge for me.. I thought what you gave me was a pic of the one brush stamp, and i would need to work on it. lol, but then i saw, it was the pattern.

Thank you, very much

(08-14-2019, 08:47 AM)rich2005 Wrote:
Quote:...I thought gimp was more advanced then it is.  I understand the work arounds, and will learn them.. wondering how you put in a request for some new gimp coding.  its there for selections.... now it just needs to be for full layers...

Gimp is a great application full of features. I have been using it since version 2.2 and still do not know all the ins-and-outs. Not many things in this world you get for free, including advice. Even etch-a-sketch costs.

Want to union selections to remove the over lap? One way is shown here. 

Direct link:  duration about 3 minutes.

No layer masks in this but using layer masks is something you should try and grasp. It is non-destructive. Who knows when you might come back to an image to make adjustments.

I use a pretty sloppy way of selecting just a layer, that is the way I do it.  (select -> all picks the whole canvas regardless of active layer not true, do not know why I wrote that: although no way to choose a mode). 
Digging through my old files, there is a script for just selecting the boundaries of an active layer. Attached. It might be useful to someone.
Menu entry is bottom of the Select menu. The usual, unzip. Put layer-to-selection.scm in C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\scripts

I was trying to select  select the tiled layer and change its color, but every time it would jump down to the bottom/first layer and change the color there and then jump up back to the tiled layer.  I did it over and over watching it jump down and back up.  Cant remember what i finally did to color, it.  By jump down and back up i had the tiled layer selected, and when i colored it, cant rem what i was using, it changed the color on the first background layer, then the highlight jumped back up to my selected tiled layer.  Maybe that script would have helped me.  thank you.

(08-14-2019, 08:47 AM)rich2005 Wrote:
Quote:...I thought gimp was more advanced then it is.  I understand the work arounds, and will learn them.. wondering how you put in a request for some new gimp coding.  its there for selections.... now it just needs to be for full layers...

Gimp is a great application full of features. I have been using it since version 2.2 and still do not know all the ins-and-outs. Not many things in this world you get for free, including advice. Even etch-a-sketch costs.

Want to union selections to remove the over lap? One way is shown here. 

Direct link:  duration about 3 minutes.

No layer masks in this but using layer masks is something you should try and grasp. It is non-destructive. Who knows when you might come back to an image to make adjustments.

I use a pretty sloppy way of selecting just a layer, that is the way I do it.  (select -> all picks the whole canvas regardless of active layer not true, do not know why I wrote that: although no way to choose a mode). 
Digging through my old files, there is a script for just selecting the boundaries of an active layer. Attached. It might be useful to someone.
Menu entry is bottom of the Select menu. The usual, unzip. Put layer-to-selection.scm in C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\scripts

wow, just watched this, Thank you so much for explaining it all.  Might want to leave it up for others to find too!
(08-15-2019, 01:41 AM)Human3 Wrote: Just want to click on a button to do a union, lol or join, or whatever between layers, like i can in Silhouette software

I know the Silhouette software. I own a Silhouette machine.

There is a difference between vector graphics and bitmap (raster) graphics.

Silhouette uses vector graphics. (If a bitmap is used it must first be traced to create vector graphics.) Inkscape is also vector graphics.

The image you provided is bitmap. Gimp uses layers. You can't use vector graphics logic on bitmap layers. They are two different animals.

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