After reading many posts that suggest that it's not possible (or even desirable) to browse and open images by thumbnail from within GIMP, I put together this method which allows me to work in the same way that I did in PaintShop Pro (before it became to slow and messy to use).
The way I like to work is that from within PaintShop, I type <Ctrl-B> to bring up a thumbnail browser, browse to a folder, then double-click on a thumbnail to edit that image. I also like the browser to remember the same folder next time I type <Ctrl-B>.
What I've done to achieve this is:
1. Install an external app that allows thumbnail browsing. I've found that "Unifie" does exactly what I need as it is focused more on the thumbnail browsing rather than actual editing.
2. In Unifie, open the Tools>>Options dialog and add GIMP as an external program. In my case "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.10.exe".
3. In the Unifie Tools>>Mouse/Keyboard dialog, change the "Popup Window" - "Click" entry to GIMP (External Tool N).
4. Now, download and install "AutoHotKey". This is an app for creating keyboard shortcuts.
5. Create a file called something like "AutoHotKeys.ahk". I keep mine in "My Documents". Put the following text in it:
#IfWinActive ahk_exe gimp-2.10.exe
Run, "c:\Program Files\Unifie\unifie.exe"
6. Type Win+R and enter "shell
7. In the folder: "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup", create a shortcut to your AutoHotKeys.ahk file.
8. Log out and back in.
The AutoHotKeys script should now run when you login. The script tells windows to run Unifie when you type <Ctrl-B> from within GIMP.
I hope others find this a useful addition to what I'm finding to be a very useful free program.
The way I like to work is that from within PaintShop, I type <Ctrl-B> to bring up a thumbnail browser, browse to a folder, then double-click on a thumbnail to edit that image. I also like the browser to remember the same folder next time I type <Ctrl-B>.
What I've done to achieve this is:
1. Install an external app that allows thumbnail browsing. I've found that "Unifie" does exactly what I need as it is focused more on the thumbnail browsing rather than actual editing.
2. In Unifie, open the Tools>>Options dialog and add GIMP as an external program. In my case "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.10.exe".
3. In the Unifie Tools>>Mouse/Keyboard dialog, change the "Popup Window" - "Click" entry to GIMP (External Tool N).
4. Now, download and install "AutoHotKey". This is an app for creating keyboard shortcuts.
5. Create a file called something like "AutoHotKeys.ahk". I keep mine in "My Documents". Put the following text in it:
#IfWinActive ahk_exe gimp-2.10.exe
Run, "c:\Program Files\Unifie\unifie.exe"
6. Type Win+R and enter "shell

7. In the folder: "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup", create a shortcut to your AutoHotKeys.ahk file.
8. Log out and back in.
The AutoHotKeys script should now run when you login. The script tells windows to run Unifie when you type <Ctrl-B> from within GIMP.
I hope others find this a useful addition to what I'm finding to be a very useful free program.