(03-18-2022, 09:26 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: Drawing a line doesn't help much, drawing a Path would have helped a lot.
In the image you give, you notice that everything outside the US is grayscale, in other words, desaturated. It happens that the Fuzzy selector and the Color selector can use the "HSV Saturation" as a selection criteria, so using Fuzzy select with "HSV saturation" and the default threshold and clicking in the white selects all the non-US bits (the only misses are Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard), so you just need to invert the selection to have a selection with the US.
Yes, that's what i've noticed, when i try to create a path via that line around the country, via fuzzy select, color selector, or a mask,... if i look at the borders of the selection, it's just higlilghting the actual line (not the contents within). So, no wonder it doesn't copy what's within the borders. The actual picture looks more like this (google earth map) with a line around the US. The pic in my first post is the END result of what i want (separating the 2 elements so i can manipulate each)
I already have those pics ready to go (every country just about with a line around the country border), so thought it would be easy to create a path (step 1) cuz of that line.
But, I suppose you're right and will have to redo them all, this time with a selection tool to draw the map. That'll take some doing cuz you have to zoom in to get an accurate trace. That's a LOT of points to create.
Thanks for the help.
By the way, GIMP is so cool. I not only could isolate that aqua border i created, but change the color of it (colors/map/color exchange), i can also increase the border size to make the line thicker.
Just incredible. (if you saw the piece of crap graphic utility i was using before), GIMP is a miracle by comparison.