07-29-2024, 09:47 AM
Just for your info. The latest available/stable version of gimp in the 10 series is 2.10.38
Make sure your image modes are in RGB/A and not index or other. Then make sure you have the correct layer selected for your editing.
Have you checked that there is no selection?
If under selection - 'none is notgreyed out, you do. Also I read in here recently that you can go to Image > Guides > new guides from selection, will show you where it is if it is a small one.
Make sure your image modes are in RGB/A and not index or other. Then make sure you have the correct layer selected for your editing.
Have you checked that there is no selection?
If under selection - 'none is notgreyed out, you do. Also I read in here recently that you can go to Image > Guides > new guides from selection, will show you where it is if it is a small one.