(11-21-2019, 06:45 AM)Krikor Wrote: Have you tried setting the Threshold for RGB options?
Thanks for your help. On your advice, I've tried adjusting the threshold and have attached a screenshot (split view). I've then tried doing a colour exchange as usual - but again nothing happens. Am I skipping a step?
(11-21-2019, 07:05 AM)Blighty Wrote: What operating system are you using? Surely not Windows 95 etc.
Color Exchange works for me - Gimp 2.10
(Spit view is enabled)
As I use the Color Picker to pick the blue the color changes.
Thanks. I'm using Windows 10. I really can't work out why the colour exchange is not working. I've tried so many different images and try what you have shown, but just nothing happens at all.
I'm not sure if the attachment came through...