11-18-2024, 06:23 PM
(11-18-2024, 06:00 PM)remyk Wrote: Hi folks! I was creating a gif of a product by taking separate gifs and stills of different product views and then combining them into one gif using GIMP (manipulating these as separate layers). But four of the gifs (taken with the program LICEcap) would have really messed up colors when I combined it with the others. ,,,,,,,snip.....
A gif file uses indexed colour, Up to 256 colours are saved with the image as a colormap. When you add a gif to another gif by File -> Open as Layers the second gif uses the colormap of the first and the colours change.
Until you get to know how things work, open each gif in turn, change the colour mode to RGB , Image -> Mode ->RGB Then Save each separately as a Gimp .xcf file.
Then you can combine the .xcf files as before.
When complete, and you export the new image as a gif animation, the mode is automatically converted to Indexed.