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David Hill effect
Quote:I got the same error from elsamuko-national-geographic-2-10 as before
"  National Geographic Warning
Error while executing elsamuko-national-geographic:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: ADDITION-MODE

OK, missed that post, do not know why legacy modes are not kicking in.

I have gone through the script and changed any legacy mode to Gimp 2.10 default mode syntax.

Works here. (but so does the other)

Give the attached a try. (edit- removed)
Almost!  Rolleyes
This time there were even some executions of the script, it even created two layers, one in addition mode, the other (top) in normal mode, but I think it should be overlay (Based on the error message).

In previous versions, nothing happened, and the error message was about Addition mode; that now runs.

"I have gone through the script and changed any legacy mode to Gimp 2.10 default mode syntax." - Rich2005

Could it be that the overlay mode has not been changed in some way?  Huh

Thank you so much for trying to fix this script!


  National Geographic Warning
Error while executing elsamuko-national-geographic:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: OVERLAY-MODE 

  GIMP Warning
Plug-in 'National Geographic' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.

Yes, I missed one. Fridays are a busy day for me and by evening I am feeling less-than-great.

Corrected version attached. Still wonder why the previous versions work with my installation but not yours, obviously as Ofnuts referred to earlier, no legacy mode kicks in.

If you ever come across another script like this,  then might be (but not always) fixable without a major re-write. A parameter ADDITION-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-ADDITION, and OVERLAY-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-OVERLAY ... For a list of modes open up the script-fu console, select a function that handles modes and see the options.

replacement attached

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 2.55 KB / Downloads: 168)

Although now it is not as fast as when it did not work.  Wink

I found the result very strong, but I used only the default values, and I believe that with adjustments I can get better results. 

"If you ever come across another script like this, then might be (but not always) fixable without a major re-write. A parameter ADDITION-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-ADDITION, and OVERLAY-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-OVERLAY ... For a list of modes open up the script-fu console, select a function that handles modes and see the options." - Rich2005

in fact, I have come across these error messages many times before. Unfortunately most of the time I just uninstalled the script.
Now with this super-mega-ultra tip, I can have some autonomy in these situations.
Thank you very much Rich2005!
(02-01-2020, 08:52 AM)rich2005 Wrote: If you ever come across another script like this,  then might be (but not always) fixable without a major re-write. A parameter ADDITION-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-ADDITION, and OVERLAY-MODE becomes LAYER-MODE-OVERLAY ... For a list of modes open up the script-fu console, select a function that handles modes and see the options.

Except that in my Gimp 2.10.14, all these are already defined:

➤> print ('\n'.join([ x+':'+str(globals()[x]) for x in dir() if 'OVERLAY' in x]))

(and yes, I checked that this is also the case in Scheme)

And the actual replacement isn't the one you think, to get the same value you would need to use  LAYER-MODE-OVERLAY-LEGACY, LAYER-MODE-OVERLAY is actually a new value that corresponds to the new linear-light blend modes. In most scripts it shouldn't matter, but in some it could.

For Scheme scripts there could be a more universal fix: all the scripts run in the same name space (you can have name clashes  between scripts) so it should be possible to write a script that initializes all these variables in the common name space. Maybe some Scheme maven can be involved.
Indeed, which is why it is strange that the original did not work with Krikor's samj Gimp 2.10.12 portable (there is a V2 maybe that is it) Certainly worked here in a Win 10 VM.

There is a history of 'fixing' these old files by 'LEGACY' replacement in the script. Tin-Tran even has a plugin for this. Does not take any scripting knowledge. Of course there are some old commands which are not translatable and the scripts are now junk (unless some clever guy does a re-write.) Seems that there has been much improvement in Gimp 2.10.14 backward compatibility but still some way to go when it comes to GEGL replacements.

Back to Dave Hill.
For any user it is worth looking at his work and decide yourself if any of the scripts can replicate it Wink
Dave Hill: Adventure Girl Photo Series | Behind-The-Scenes | ft. Slim Khezri | Photography


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