(11-09-2017, 07:55 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Looks like you will have to revert to the default mode (ie not single window)
AFAIK that does what you want.
Yeah, I really liked the version I used to use, I avoided upgrading for years now because there are many changes I dont like to GIMP. I used to upgrade actively, then one major upgrade changed tons of function that made my use of the program more difficult (although I completely understand it likely made most people's use for standard image rendering/editing much easier). All of the changes however (except this one) are tolerable though. This one specifically costs me production time, which is why it was something I thought worth posting here in an attempt to find a solution.
When you say "revert to the default mode (ie not single window)" are you suggesting downloading a previous version? Or is that something that is 'toggle-able'? I'm not against changing back to an older version at all, I only upgraded versions a few weeks ago, and I can't even remember why I did it anymore, but I assume I had a reason.
I sincerely appreciate both your time and effort in attempting to help me

Edit: I literally had to google AFAIK and NBG, as I had no idea what they meant.