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Editing music scores help please.

I could kick myself DOHHHHH.

Having spent days working out how to modify the music scores my friend David emailed last night. David has used "MIcrosoft Paint" for many years; I too have used paint but not for a very long time so had problems with screen size then matching to my printer in the end I tried other sites ending up here on Gimp which did sort my problem with many thanks to Krikor (sorry Krikor for spelling your name wrongly in the previous post).

It took about five minutes for me to modify "Amazing Grace" using Paint it being incredibly easy once I got back into using Paint and sorting out the printer adjustments.

Using Paint I just opened the music score page then used the rectangular select tool to draw a box around what I wanted to delete then hit delete clearing the box contents; having done this until I'd deleted everything unwanted I then drew a box around each wanted section this allowed changing the size taking only seconds also the selection within the box could be moved around and placed as wanted. Why do I do things the hard way first every time.

Kind regards, Colin.

Messages In This Thread
Editing music scores help please. - by Retired - 11-20-2022, 06:34 PM
RE: Editing music scores help please. - by Krikor - 11-20-2022, 08:37 PM
RE: Editing music scores help please. - by Krikor - 11-21-2022, 03:35 PM
RE: Editing music scores help please. - by Retired - 11-24-2022, 03:56 PM

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