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Export to jpg stripping exif data sometimes.
OK then, here is the evidence I have put together.  There are two sections in the metadata where PENTAX occurs as a text string, Image File Directory Main Image - IFD0 (9) and XMP Tiff properties.  The string occurs twice in each section.  I copied an image four times,
0 - I left untouched.
1 - I changed the two references from PENTAX to Pentax in Image File... section.
2 - I made the same changes in both sections.
3 - I made the changes only in the XMP Tiff section.

In all cases I left any other text in the fields unchanged.

The result was that where I changed PENTAX to Pentax in the Image File section , ie. cases 1 and 2, the export worked.  although in either case the XMP Tiff properties section was not exported and perhaps others I have not checked closely..

Copies of the metadata for option 0 and option 1 are attached ...or0 and ..or1 are the files before loading into GIMP and ...ex0 and ...ex1 are the corresponding exports.

Files form the other camera, which all work fine, have OLYMPUS in all caps in the same sections.  More Bizarre.  

As far as I am concerned, my problem is solved and I thank you for your support.  If anyone wishes to feed these observations into the issues discussion than you are welcome, I am not familiar with the best way to do that.  I used Metadata++ as the tool to examine and edit the files.

Attached Files
.txt   IMGP0843or0.txt (Size: 8.48 KB / Downloads: 121)
.txt   IMGP0843or1.txt (Size: 8.48 KB / Downloads: 124)
.txt   IMGP0843ex0.txt (Size: 2.72 KB / Downloads: 200)
.txt   IMGP0843ex1.txt (Size: 11.48 KB / Downloads: 362)

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