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Stylus pressure works on 2.10, broken on 3.0
Hey there, excited to try out the new features.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem: No matter what I try, it seems like 3.0 simply refuses to use pressure sensitivity.
However, when I switch to 2.10, it works (almost) flawlessly.

My computer uses:
  • Windows 11
  • Cintiq 22HD (2012 model)
Gimp 3.0.0 (Broken)

The Configure Input Devices dialog shows the following:
  • \??\Microsoft HID RID\000D_0002\0 Eraser (Not greyed out)
    - Source/Tool type: eraser
    - Vendor/Product ID: (none)
    - Tool serial/hardware ID: 0

  • \??\Microsoft HID RID\000D_0002\0 Pen stylus (Not greyed out)
    - Source/Tool type: pen
    - Vendor/Product ID: (none)
    - Tool serial/hardware ID: 0

  • System Aggregated Pointer (Not greyed out)

  • Tablet Cintiq 22HD Tablet Eraser
    - Source/Tool type: eraser
    - Vendor ID: 056a
    - Product ID: 00fa
    - Tool serial/hardware ID: 0

  • Tablet Cintiq 22HD Tablet Pen Stylus
    - Source/Tool type: pen
    - Vendor ID: 056a
    - Product ID: 00fa

    - Tool serial/hardware ID: 0

The listed devices do not contain "axis" or pressure sensitivity information or options like the curve editor.
This is with the Windows Ink API selected.

2.10.36 (Works)

The Configure Input Devices dialog shows the following:
  • Core Pointer
  • WACOM Tablet Eraser
  • WACOM Tablet Pressure Stylus
Each device listed:
  • Uses "Screen" mode
  • Shows the "Axes" widget with 6 items (mouse lists "none" for all but the items labelled X and Y)
  • Shows a curve editor when the Pressure axis is selected.
What I've Tried:

  • Restarting GIMP after using the stylus to draw a stroke. (This fixes 2.10 but not 3.0.)
  • Switching input APIs. (Wintab, Windows Ink)
  • Updating WACOM drivers and restarting.
  • Unplugging and replugging the tablet into a different USB port.
  • Enabling/Disabling "Pressure Compatability" in the driver software under Wacom Tablet Properties > Options...
  • Enabling/Disabling "Use Windows Ink" in the driver software.

  • In the Configure Input Devices dialog, removing all of the greyed out devices. (This was a recommended fix for earlier versions of GIMP.)
  • Various combinations of the above while restarting GIMP.
At one point, using "Wintab" seemed to show signs of life, but once the pen reached maximum pressure, it remained "stuck" there as though pressure sensitivity was disabled. Interestingly, it also listed no devices (aside from the mouse) in the Configure Input Devices dialog.

At one point after switching pointer APIs, the tablet driver seemed to bug out; it'd only move the cursor initially and then "freeze up". Unplugging and re-plugging the USB connection seems to have fixed this to make the tablet usable with other apps.

So, now I'm kind of running out of ideas. I'd really like to use the new GIMP but it is currently held back by tablet bugs.

If you need any other details that may be helpful, I'll be happy to provide them.
If I happen to fix this problem on my own somehow, I'll let you know what the fix was.

Thank you!

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You can add your own report there, if you want.

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