08-20-2021, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2021, 02:34 PM by meetdilip.)
I am using a Windows 10 machine and I tried to customise a folder icon using an .ico file from GIMP. It get stretched across the x axis. Y remain fine. Any ideas why ? I am using a 64x64 px size PNG and ICO.
The icon file you attached is not square. It is actually 35*64 so the stretch has an explanation.
A possibility is that the icon export exports the layers as they are (a .ICO is actually a set of image if various sizes, so one layer for each) and therefore doesn't care about the canvas size like other image exports.
So possibly what you just need to do is Layer > Layer to image size before the export to make sure the layer is 64x64.
Quote:.. I got this above big image through Blender. Then I made it 256x256 (this time), opened in GIMP and exported it as folder.ico
If I understand that correctly, the big image is 589 x 1014 pix.
So, to make it square, first Image -> Canvas size width & height 1014 > center it > Fill with Transparency.
as: https://i.imgur.com/LhqTn4M.jpg
Then scale it down to 256 x 256 pix and export as an ico
08-20-2021, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2021, 12:35 AM by meetdilip.)
Thanks @rich2005, the same in post 3 happens on both 64px and 256 px. ie, it is stretched along the y axis. Not sure why. Attaching the ICOs
I made a 96x96px image and merged down bg and folder layers. Works fine now. Thanks.
08-21-2021, 08:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2021, 08:36 AM by rich2005.)
Another day...and you seem to have it fixed, however.
(1) I f you scale an asymmetric image, this case the width less than the height, without breaking the link between width & height then the result is also asymmetric (you got 148 x 256)
(2) Scale and break the link between width and height to give a 'square' image (256 x 256) and the image is distorted, in this case the width is stretched.
(3) As previous post, increase the size of the canvas to 'square' before scaling down to...256 or 64. example: https://i.imgur.com/4UDcym2.mp4 or in your case merge with a 'square' layer, either way the canvas size rules.