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Fatal crash on quit - after GMIC installed [flatpak]
OS: Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon (but same problem with previous Linux Mint installation version 20.3)

Gimp version 2.10.36
Build: org.gimp.GIMP.flatpak.stable rev 0 for linux

GMIC installed by flatpak command: "flatpak install flathub org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic"
And I then choose alternative 1 (on first attempt I installed alternative 2, but that did not show in Gimp meny, so I uninstalled that).

Window text / header for GMIC main window:
G'MIC-Qt for GIMP 2.10 - Linux 64 bits - 3.3.5

PROBLEM: Under certain circumstances it seems that GMIC causes Gimp to crash upon quitting the program.

Steps to reproduce the crash
  • Open Gimp
  • Open some jpg image
  • Open GMIC (I use Fourier Transform plugin)
  • Apply plugin
  • Close Gimp : this seems to immediately cause a crash.
Seems that if I close the open file in Gimp first, and then exit Gimp - the crash is prevented.

Anyone seen this before, and if yes:
- Does a bug repport exist. If no, to whom to repport this (to Gimp or plugin developer) ?
- Any setting in Gimp or GMIC that can be tweaked to twart further crashes ?


Attached Files
.txt   debugRepport_LinuxMint20.3.txt (Size: 7.95 KB / Downloads: 213)
.txt   debugRepport_LinuxMint21.3.txt (Size: 7.95 KB / Downloads: 179)
(04-14-2024, 10:45 AM)Grobe Wrote: - Does a bug repport exist. If no, to whom to repport this (to Gimp or plugin developer) ?
- Any setting in Gimp or GMIC that can be tweaked to twart further crashes ?


To report to GIMP, got to the top menu Help > Bug Reports and Feature Request
For G'MIC I think it's the same url than above, because you did install it via the flatpak
you may try over-there, though > this where the dev of G'MIC are, but G'MIC do not provide flatpak, it's some one in the GIMP team (if I understood) which does a flatpak...?

In the end most of us do not use flatpak (it's kind of jailed), but the PPA from Panda Jim which allow us to download our G'MIC directly from and we do not have any problems >
The problem here is your GLIB version 2.80
It's a known bug.

It happens when you want to close GIMP and have unsaved changes. Not only GMIC related.

Nothing really that you can do, just wait for the next version where it will be fixed.
Ok, thank you both for your answers.

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