(10-07-2021, 12:42 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Difference Clouds does not work as it should in Gimp 2.10
In Gimp 2.8 it opens the Solid Noise plugin so that the user can adjust the solid noise values.
In Gimp 2.10 this does not happen. Solid noise is applied with default values, ie you get what you are given. This was raised with the devs sometime in the past. Never fixed. I think the reasoning being it is simple to apply the GEGL Solid Noise filter directly ( and apply difference mode if required)
You can get Difference Clouds to work as intended in Gimp 2.10 - Install the Gimp 2.8 Solid Noise plugin.
The applicable line from the Difference Clouds script (the bit that no longer works with GEGL)
; Show the solid noise dialog
(plug-in-solid-noise SF-RUN-MODE image diff-clouds 0 0 0 1 4.0 4.0)

Anyway, you are right, It does not behave like in 2.8 anymore.
I did some search as I told myself after your writing "yeah... He might be right as usually the 3 dots after "Difference Clouds..." in the menu should meant that a dialog shall open"
And found in the GIMP doc:
GIMP 2.8 doc https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/script-fu-d...louds.html > just below the first paragraph it's there explaining a dialog opens (also in GIMP 2.6 > https://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/script-fu-d...louds.html )
GIMP 2.10 doc https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/script-fu-...louds.html > that paragraph just disappeared...
I'm also thinking, because they have removed this paragraph, it's not going to be fixed...
Thanks Rich for your input, as always, very useful.