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Fuzzy Select Ants Differ with File Size
Windows 10
Gimp 2.10.38

After Fuzzy Select, marking the selection in a small file is different from in  a large file.
  The original image
  After Fuzzy in a small file
  After Fuzzy in a large file.
The small file is a Gimp Scaling of the large file, i.e. the same file with fewer pixels.
In the small file, the selection is outlined; in the large file, it is covered.
Is that the intended behavior?

(In the Manual, Section 2.5.3, Figure 14.22, there is an illustration of the covering mode.)

Original image:

Fuzzy Select in small 4.4 MB file (screen snippet):

Fuzzy Select in large 553 MB file (screen snippet):
A smaller photo with the same content contains a different color density and detail than the larger version. Selecting the same area with the fuzzy select tool (with the same settings) gives a different result.
(08-13-2024, 01:21 AM)Punchcard Wrote: The small file is a Gimp Scaling of the large file, i.e. the same file with fewer pixels.

We don't have the same notion of "fewer pixels" between 1000 pixels width and 10 000 pixels width, that is NOT "fewer" Big Grin

(08-13-2024, 01:21 AM)Punchcard Wrote: After Fuzzy Select, marking the selection in a small file is different from in  a large file....//...
In the small file, the selection is outlined; in the large file, it is covered.
Is that the intended behavior?

That is normal, pixels are not the same, in the larger image you have a LOT more different pixels than in the smaller image, on the smaller image you have an "average" color blended in "fewer" pixels ➤ thus it is a normal behavior
If you zoom in alot on that huge image while it is covered by marching ants ➤ you will see what is selected and what it is not

A good tip: After selecting on the largest image, and seeing that the selection is "covered" with "marching ants", go to the top menu Select > Remove Holes , all or at least most of the mini inner holes which give the "covered" marching ants look, will be removed and it will look like more "outlined" and all those inner holes will be part of the selection Wink
Yes, the scaling changed some pixel values. Since you are selecting a grainy thing, you get a lot of tiny small selections spots instead of a large contiguous area which is why it appears "covered".
Might also help when selecting an area on a larger image with 'fuzzy select' to up your threshold.
Thanks Pix. I didn't know about remove holes from the selection.


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