08-07-2024, 02:06 PM
(10-10-2021, 05:00 PM)rich2005 Wrote: another way
Use the gimp_gmic_qt plugin. In the rendering section, Gradient (from line)
That gives a pair of points (red and blue) that drag around. Give it a name. Ok it and it writes the file into your user profile gradients folder.
Then refresh the Gradients dock for it to show.
screenshots https://i.imgur.com/Er8XMFo.jpg
I have been going in circles for 2 weeks trying to import single .svg gradient images as custom gradient files in my GIMP 2.10.30, which I read v2.1x could do. This did not seem to be the case as I put the .svg files in my .config/GIMP/2.10/gradients directory but they never appeared in program to use.
With this plugin, I have gotten all my .svg's saved as new metallic gradients. I am so relieved and happy to have finally found your post