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currently planning to create a dotted map of the world - any ideas here
well  - after all i have found the newly created (and stored) pattern. 

the single dot


well - here we can see that the single dot is in the so called "pattern library"  

how to proceed to create the map.. i guess that i use the dot - 

a. as a single dot or i 
b. create a pattern witn many many dots

what is aimed:  i want to follow the instructions that are provided here:

i will try to reach this - i will try to get there. 

i come back later this day...

untill soon
well this is a awesome thread

if i got this right - then a very important step is to create a pattern - is this right!?
is this teh first step in the process?

second - with this dotted pattern - we need to set up a layer - the layer in other words is made of such dotted pattern
and then thirdly we need to add a nother layer that could be taken from maps - we need for example a map of

europe or USA or so - and then we put the data layer for layer to a a pcoesss were subsequently have the dotted layer that -- hmm lemme say "fills " the part of our european map..

can we go so - can we do like so?

thanks in advance for any and and help....

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