09-22-2018, 01:28 PM
(09-22-2018, 11:27 AM)Espermaschine Wrote: okay...so you make the selection with the Histogram window open, adjust and watch the Histogram change until it hits the middle (128), right ?Try this:
and this action splits the grays 50/50...why is that something we want ?selection to path process) ?
- Use a black on white image (circle selection, or text)
- Color-Select black with a low threshold (15 or less). Note in passing that the selection contains only very dark pixels (max value around 40). Select->To path (rename the path)
- Color-Select black with a threshold sufficient to include some pixels above. Select->To path (rename the path)
- Make both paths visible: they are different
- For each path, Select>To path and bucket-fil with black, set to Difference mode to compare with initial imagel

(09-22-2018, 11:27 AM)Espermaschine Wrote: isnt the cleanup phase done by the conversion to path (which is really some kind of inaccuracy of the selection to path process) ?Yes, the path algorithm filters out the small details.