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Joined: Sep 2023
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Operating system(s): Linux
Exactly the same issue. Gimp 2.10.30 on Mint 22.04 Cinnamon 5.54.
Ctrl-Click just doesn't do anything, no source is selected. My Ctrl key doesn't appear to be intercepted as it works with other functions. I have never been able to get a Heal source to work.
Posts: 1
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Joined: Feb 2024
Gimp version:
Operating system(s): Linux
I just had this problem -- Left-Ctrl did not work to set a clone source, but Right-Ctrl worked as expected.
The problem, in my case, was that I had turned on a system (not gimp) setting to help me find the mouse pointer on the screen, which (at least from the Settings GUI) appears to be hard-bound to the Left-Ctrl key. Now that I have turned off that setting, I can select a clone source using either Ctrl key. (All of this applies to Heal as well.)
The setting in question can be found at:
Settings > Universal Access > Pointing & Clicking > Locate Pointer
Thanks to @PeterH01 for the Right-Ctrl suggestion. That was the clue I needed!
O/S: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Desktop: Whichever version of Gnome is current (sorry, I don't know which of the many Gnome packages' version numbers to believe)
Gimp: 2.10.36