(08-05-2018, 01:15 AM)kienkhuongit Wrote: Is there a way to reassemble this image in the fastest way?
A few scripts: Grid of Guides Found in Image->Guides->Grid
guides-grid.scm.zip (Size: 739 bytes / Downloads: 341)
I looks like 6 frames, so 0 horizontal and 6 vertical
Then export the cells to a folder with Filter->Web->Slice
Then open those cells as layers
Reorder them because they are in the wrong order Layers->Stack->Reverse layer order
Then use the fuse layer script:
fuse-layers-0.1.scm.zip (Size: 1.54 KB / Downloads: 829)
Found in Filters->Combine->Fuse Layers
with 6 on the x axis
May need to crop out the extra area