10-15-2019, 05:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2019, 05:10 PM by rich2005.
Edit Reason: typo
I did not really recognise that RobA Gimp 2.8 procedure. Going back to meetthegimp episode 164 ( from 2011, I have them archived
The procedure is duplicate -> invert -> grain merge That gets the grey layer & Gaussian blur brings out the detail. That is the same as your Gimp 2.10 process.
The only different version I know is here https://opensource.photography/content/c...p-and-gmic and that uses grain extract.
Duplicate -> Gaussian Blur -> Layer mode Grain Extract -> New from visible.
Neither of these use reduce opacity (50%) of the inverted layer.

The procedure is duplicate -> invert -> grain merge That gets the grey layer & Gaussian blur brings out the detail. That is the same as your Gimp 2.10 process.
The only different version I know is here https://opensource.photography/content/c...p-and-gmic and that uses grain extract.
Duplicate -> Gaussian Blur -> Layer mode Grain Extract -> New from visible.
Neither of these use reduce opacity (50%) of the inverted layer.