I want to mark these trails. Doing it via the mouse is very tedious and awful result.
Don't have one of those pen boards right now but I did have they were pretty useless, too. Mainly because the picture was on the screen but the stylus is on the board.
Do they make one now that is touch screen like a smartphone, so's the stylus is actually on the picture?
If they do that would be wonderful, as long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Or is it now a smartphone app?
Failing all of the above can anyone suggest a best method for me to mark these traiils? When I say 'mark' them I mean trace the whole trail, effectively making a map on that layer.

Don't have one of those pen boards right now but I did have they were pretty useless, too. Mainly because the picture was on the screen but the stylus is on the board.
Do they make one now that is touch screen like a smartphone, so's the stylus is actually on the picture?
If they do that would be wonderful, as long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Or is it now a smartphone app?
Failing all of the above can anyone suggest a best method for me to mark these traiils? When I say 'mark' them I mean trace the whole trail, effectively making a map on that layer.
