Fuzzy select tool in addition mode, threshold ~20, feather edge 2
Select first the black in bottom rectangle where it's written "dangaronpa", then immediately go to Select > Remove holes, this action will remove the need to select inside letters...
then continue to select each letters and the circle on top of the "i", with the fuzzy tool
Create a new layer, put it underneath, then go to Select > grow 1 or 2 pixels, make sure the foreground
is black then fill with black by going to Edit > Fill selection outline.
Now Select > None
In the layers' dialog select the top layer (original image), and go to Color > Color to alpha to remove all black from the original image (yes now it will work
Result :
If you want less blue, re-do a color to alpha but on the blue and play with sliders
Select first the black in bottom rectangle where it's written "dangaronpa", then immediately go to Select > Remove holes, this action will remove the need to select inside letters...
then continue to select each letters and the circle on top of the "i", with the fuzzy tool
Create a new layer, put it underneath, then go to Select > grow 1 or 2 pixels, make sure the foreground

Now Select > None
In the layers' dialog select the top layer (original image), and go to Color > Color to alpha to remove all black from the original image (yes now it will work

Result :
If you want less blue, re-do a color to alpha but on the blue and play with sliders