(08-24-2021, 03:14 PM)meetdilip Wrote: Thanks @PixLab, Ofnuts
May I know what select > Remove holes do ?
Both methods work. :bow
That's an extremely under-rated function

A quick example use the fuzzy select tool on a sky
We have a mess at one point with many tiny thing selected
After Select > Remove Holes, it keep the main external selection and removes all that mess inside, thus cleaning your selection or multiple selection if not connected
In your case (the letters with the green thing inside) using "Remove Holes" will have cleared the inner selection > allowing you to shrink normally, if not you would have shrinked the selection that was selecting the white edges only> thus you would not have been able to select the green part.
to have a better understanding about what it does, you can try that method (the first one I wrote) even if it's a transparent BG on your image > Fuzzy select tool, > select the white edge around letters > Then select >Remove holes