09-02-2018, 07:08 PM
(09-02-2018, 04:26 PM)le.snake Wrote: I know how to use the clone tool : ctrl + clic to select source image, then clic.
Now to remove a wire in the sky, I create a path then I want to use the clone tool when stroking that path.
Then I get a dialog telling me to select a source image. Which I already did previously.
Steps areGet a dialog saying to select source image.
- open image
- create path
- select clone tool
- ctrl + clic to define source
- select path
- stroke path
- select "use paint tool" (I translate, 'cause I use french HMI)
- select clone
- click stroke
while the stroke path dialog open:
- close that dialog
Get a dialog saying to select source image.
- ctrl + clic to define source
- click stroke
I tested that on both windows and linux.
Gimp 2.10.6
Did any body succeed in using clone when stroking a path ?
Btw, if you got a better trick to remove wires in pictures, I get it !
I remember to ask the developers once, and got the admittance that this wasn't thought about.
What you can do with your path is to either:
- stroke with the eraser to create a "hole" in the image and use the "Heal transparency" option of the resynthesize plugin.
- stroke a line in a new layer, alpha- to selection to get the selection on that line, and use the "Heal selection" option of the resynthesize plugin on the image layer