(04-24-2023, 03:56 AM)PixLab Wrote: Jeeezzz, I would have never ever thought I would say that one day ?
I'm preparing a tutorial, and I just want to see if it's compatible with Windows without me going to some tricky thing for that OS
What I need you to do:
Create a folder, put a little png inside, name it myimage.png
Open CMD or powershell from that folder, or cd in/to it
and input that code (copy paste if you named your png as "myimage.png")
for i in {00..10}; do cp myimage.png file-$i; done
This code will make 10 copy of your image inside that folder, BUT, and I say BUT, there should be NO extension (like ".png") on the 10 copies, I know that the Microsoft's windows OS is incapable to manage file without extension (maybe in this case it will add the extension automatically? or keep the original one? I don't know)
Case 1:
Windows throw errors as it will not accept to write without extension = no copies > Please report
Case 2:
Windows add an extension automatically or keep the original extension, you have copies with extension with something like "00.png" "01.png" "02.png" etc... > Please report
Case 3: (the one I'm interested in)
Windows does it, even it's not happy, you got the copies WITHOUT extension, but your explorer is not showing the thumbnail, that's OK > your files are named like this "00" "01" "02" etc...
If so > Open GIMP, import all file without extension > as layers > Does GIMP on Windows open them? Please Report
Thank you (you can delete that folder now)
Note: You might think "but what the.. is wrong to have the extension"
- Nothing, but for this very tuto, if it can via terminal I don't have to make some special tricks just for Windows, thus the tuto will be WAY shorter (and yes it's a GIMP tuto even if it sounds strange)
I'll try, but I'm not sure I understand what needs to be done.
Report after trying.
Did not work.
It returned:
i was unexpected this time.
Samj Portable - Gimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.
Samj Portable - Gimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.