(04-24-2023, 08:12 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: You can use Python from Gimp's Python console. And IIRC the copy command in BAT is copy (and could be something entirely different in PowerShell, because Microsoft).
Thanks you very much Ofnuts for your input, I'll look into it, I do recall what's a .bat file, but it was something like in 2010 the last time I did have a Windows system, so I need to look further into it, and thanks for the reminder about BAT, I did completely forgot it.
(04-24-2023, 11:54 AM)Krikor Wrote: I'll try, but I'm not sure I understand what needs to be done.
Report after trying.
Did not work.
It returned:
i was unexpected this time.
Thank you Krikor for your try, very much appreciated your input, this afternoon I did have an access to a Windows computer where I work, and I saw too much problem with powershell.
I'll look deeper into the Ofnuts "bat" suggestion and the GIMP command line options, but my mind already kind of find a way (not so pretty, I mean less straight forward) for windows users, thus the tuto should be for all platform if I found the command to rename a bunch of file on windows (I'll search for it tomorrow, it's quite night now where I live, I think Tas_mania understand as I think we are on the same time zone or similar (GMT +8)

In all cases thanks a lot guys, very much appreciated.