12-08-2019, 12:48 PM
However, the devil is in the details. Notice how the green button is surrounded by a green reflection, while our button is surrounded by a white reflection. So we have to add that reflection too:
- Make a selection on the button, including its sides and base (ie, not just the top) (I used the Path tool)
- Add a layer,
- Set to "Multiply" mode,
- Bucket fill the selection.
However, the devil is in the details. Notice how the green button is surrounded by a green reflection, while our button is surrounded by a white reflection. So we have to add that reflection too:
- Save the selection on the button (Select>Save to channel) (unless you have a path...)
- Make a selection which encompasses the reflection
- Select>Feather (I used 10px)
- Subtract the inital selection from it (Right click saved channel and 'Subtract from selection`)
- Add a layer under the layer you added for the button color, set to multiply
- Bucket fill the selection with the button color
- Reduce opacity (to around 40%)