(07-07-2021, 01:09 PM)whugh Wrote: I've been using GIMP for a long time processing Astrophotography.
(07-07-2021, 01:09 PM)whugh Wrote: I've gotten better at it and now I'm ending up with a 955mb image.
Yes, a lot of stacking/blending and so, that's quite normal to get that size, I have many .xcf way above the GB

(no astro, though)
But if it's the number that you see on the status bar, that's the memory it used, not the real size of the image
(07-07-2021, 01:09 PM)whugh Wrote: Gimp has problems with this size of a picture. Very slow and crashes.
Not from my experience, depending the size in pixels of the picture. Does some filters go slower, yes they can.
What's the size (width and height) of the picture in pixels?
How many layers/images in the stack?
(07-07-2021, 01:09 PM)whugh Wrote: I can't change it to a JPG because I loose the processing power of a RAW image.
No worries, you might not need to change to JPG because it might already be a JPG
GIMP does not process RAW and never did, on the other hand, GIMP process TIFF, PNG which are lossless compression, JPG and many more
(07-07-2021, 01:09 PM)whugh Wrote: I'm using 2.10.24 on Windows 10. Any thoughts?
More info about your processing, number of layers, the size in pixels, how many photo are you stacking, what are you trying to do? a full screenshot with the most important dockers in view, how many RAM (memory), processor type, and so, would help to give some thoughts