It worked. both work perfectly.
I had difficulties in finding the ofn-ungroup-layers plugin. At first I thought it would be in the Layer - ungroup Menu. I came to think that I was wrong and that I had not installed it yet.
Another difficulty with ofn-ungroup-layers is when selecting the layer (group of layers) that I want to ungroup. The plugin through a pop-up menu displays the name of all layers of all images opened in the gimp, it is necessary to browse through these names until you find the desired one. There are more than 20 layers per images and because they are sometimes generated by the same plugin they have the same name.
The .scm version acts directly on the selected layer.
But I just installed it and will continue to use both options until I have a better opinion of them.
(12-08-2020, 09:29 PM)Krikor Wrote: ...
Another difficulty with ofn-ungroup-layers is when selecting the layer (group of layers) that I want to ungroup. The plugin through a pop-up menu displays the name of all layers of all images opened in the gimp, it is necessary to browse through these names until you find the desired one. There are more than 20 layers per images and because they are sometimes generated by the same plugin they have the same name.
The .scm version acts directly on the selected layer
I agree! IMHO ofn-ungroup-layers list of layers is rather user-unfriendly--even Homer nods…
While sg-group-linked-layers.scm is fine to group, or to ungroup wholesale: but I miss an option to 'ungroup linked layers'--ungrouping one by one can be done by hand…
Quote:... but I miss an option to 'ungroup linked layers'--ungrouping one by one can be done by hand…
There are work-arounds
1. I want to ungroup the coloured layers.
2. Chain them together, select a layer outside of the layer groups.
3. Group them into a new group 4. Ungroup the new group.
(12-09-2020, 11:58 AM)carmen Wrote: I agree! IMHO ofn-ungroup-layers list of layers is rather user-unfriendly--even Homer nods…
While sg-group-linked-layers.scm is fine to group, or to ungroup wholesale: but I miss an option to 'ungroup linked layers'--ungrouping one by one can be done by hand…
Carmen, I agree with you, although I don't know who Homer is, but the option to ungroup linked layers would be very welcome.
(12-09-2020, 12:45 PM)rich2005 Wrote: There are work-arounds
1. I want to ungroup the coloured layers.
2. Chain them together, select a layer outside of the layer groups.
3. Group them into a new group
4. Ungroup the new group.
Rich2005, you as always finding solutions unimaginable
I followed your steps and it works. Although you still have to make a huge turn to reach your final destination.
99.99999999% of users of this script should not even dream of this solution that you developed (Maybe I'm wrong).
Rich2005, thanks, now the script is more functional and useful!
(12-09-2020, 03:33 PM)carmen Wrote: 1. Homer = best remembered as author of the Iliad and Odissey. My tastes in both reading and idioms are hopelessly old-fashioned.
2. Hear, hear!
Ahhh I know him by Homero (as he is known in Portuguese). When I read Homer I remembered only the character of The Simpsons.