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Edge burr while deleting background
The original image had a white background. I chose " select colour " option and then deleted the white. But even then there is some burr of white on the edge as seen in the attached image. Is there any method to avoid it ? It is somewhat better with Magic wand tool, but not perfect.


PS : Not visible with white background. Perhaps download the image and see.
It is caused by those semi-transparent (anti-aliased) pixels with (colour) background remaining after the selection - delete.  One cure is growing the selection by a pixel to exclude these pixels but with a small image like your example it will leave a hard border.

Ofnuts has a plug-in to give a better removal of a plain colour background find it at  Unzip, put in your user plugins folder, comes with a html file on usage, read first.

There is a thread about it here:

and with your image + a grey background to see difference a before / after comparison.

Many thanks @rich2005 . I will try.

It says fuzzy selection tool, which one is that ? Lasso ?

Can I use select colour or magic wand ?
Yes, use the fuzzy select tool   SelectFuzzy on the background. Have a look at the html doc.

If necessary increase the default threshold a little. If all your images are the same as your headphone example default will be ok.
Thank you. I often get into situations like this.

Update :

It works great. White almost all gone. There is a bit of dark blue around the pic. I am not sure where it came from. But it is much more workable now. Thanks.

Here is the result


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