...similar to Kevin
Which operating system and version of Gimp ? How can you tell what is greyed out with that dark theme
edit: Is that Parth's version?
Are you using Gimp in default multi-window mode? Follow Active layer Off was used in the past to permit dragging a layer from one image to another. Not needed anymore with an up-to-date Gimp in single window mode. Use Follow Active Image ON.
With Follow Active OFF
Apart from that you could try disabling your gimp profile by renaming. Start gimp to create a new empty profile. Go into single window mode. See if that now works. That might point to the problem.
Which operating system and version of Gimp ? How can you tell what is greyed out with that dark theme

Are you using Gimp in default multi-window mode? Follow Active layer Off was used in the past to permit dragging a layer from one image to another. Not needed anymore with an up-to-date Gimp in single window mode. Use Follow Active Image ON.
With Follow Active OFF
Apart from that you could try disabling your gimp profile by renaming. Start gimp to create a new empty profile. Go into single window mode. See if that now works. That might point to the problem.