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Like Photo Stiching but Not Exactly
(10-11-2022, 11:24 PM)Ofnuts Wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Im now half way there. 
(Using GIMP 2.10)
  File-New  1920x1080
Advanced Options :Fill with TRANSPARENCY

File -Open as Layers (Add 1st image)
  File -Open as Layers (Add  2 image)
      File- Open as Layers (Add 3rd image
      (Intermediate  frames 3; Max Blur  0  Looped = X , OK

The result is only 2 of the 3 images avail and both are very faded/opaque. Think 'Back to the Future' when Marty's bro and sis
were dissolving. I've tweaked several settings but no change. 

Thought, ideas, comments or direction ?

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
RE: Like Photo Stiching but Not Exactly - by BillPhoto - 10-12-2022, 01:34 AM

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