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Liquid rescale fix-up for Windows Gimp 2.10
Liquid rescale - one of the first 'extras' installed in my linux flatpak.

The windows version is 32 bit and comes as an installer. Hate those installers. This one in particular does not want to install if Gimp 2.8 is not there.

Possible solutions, 
Steal the files from a previous installation.
Use a utility such as uniextractor to unpack the installer.

You do need a Windows Gimp 2.10 that supports 32 bit and the latest (fixed) Gimp package gimp-2.10.0-setup-2.exe works.

As well as the lqr files, a 32 bit intl.dll is needed. I took one from a 32 bit gimp 2.8 installation.

All-in-all, these files go in your Gimp 2.10 profile C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins
gimp-lqr-plugin.exe liblqr-1-0.dll plug_in_lqr_iter.exe intl.dll and if needed batch-gimp-lqr.scm goes in scripts.

Works here: Win10, Gimp 2.10.0 screenshot:

Edit: At the moment liquid-rescale does not work with Gimp 2.10.18 It needs recompiling to work. It will work with Gimp 2.10.14 and this old version might work again in the next version of Gimp. (rich - March 2020)

files attached.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 332.96 KB / Downloads: 4,565)
OK, I copied the files in the directory and the problem is solved.
Thank you for the quick response.


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