08-14-2023, 05:26 PM
Hello, I am wanting to streamline a process to blur every image (all jpegs) in a directory that I have, as doing it all manually would be extremely time consuming. I have found many people using Python-Fu, and so I believe to add my scrip to GIMP I would open any file, Filters -> Python-Fu -> Console and enter code, of which I have the following
This, I hope, adds a gaussian blur with both X and Y values of 25, then saves as a new jpeg, with the name being currentName_blurred.jpg
Unfortunately, this just crashes the console when I copy paste it all in.
Finally, as I want to apply this to all files in my directory (including images within folders), I believe I have to run a similar command as found here. So, I believe I would navigate to the folder and run the command
As the code doesn't yet compile, I can't run the command, but in Windows Powershell gimp is not even recognized as a name. I've tried both this and this but neither allow me to call gimp.
I realize this is effectively three separate errors in one post and I do apologize for that. Thank you for any help offered, I really do appreciate it.
from gimpfu import*
def plugin_blur_post(timg, tdrawable):
new_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_copy(tdrawable, 0)
timg.add_layer (new_layer, 0)
pdb.plug_in_gauss_iir(timg, new_layer, 25, True,True)
gimp.pdb.file_jpeg_save(timg, new_layer, (car (gimp-image-get-filename)) + "_blurred.jpg", "raw_filename", 0.85, 0, 0, 1, "", 3, 0, 0, 0)
Unfortunately, this just crashes the console when I copy paste it all in.
Finally, as I want to apply this to all files in my directory (including images within folders), I believe I have to run a similar command as found here. So, I believe I would navigate to the folder and run the command
gimp -i -b '(python_fu_blur "*.jpg" 5.0 0.5 0)' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
I realize this is effectively three separate errors in one post and I do apologize for that. Thank you for any help offered, I really do appreciate it.