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Move Horizontal or Vertical in GIMP
(10-09-2021, 09:21 AM)meetdilip Wrote: In Inkscape, if we press CTRL, we can move along X or Y axis only. That is based on how we move the mouse.

Can we do something similar in GIMP ? Because I come across various scenarios where my alignment gets ruined when I have to move the object. Thanks.

Gimp does not have 'objects' That is a vector drawing concept.
What you can move are:  Layers (including floating selections) / A section marquee (not the contents) / Paths  / Guides

Nothing I know of to constrain a Click-n-Drag except snapping to either a grid or a guide.

Grid properties can be set up in Edit -> Preferences Default grid also there is a setting for a 'snapping' value (default is 8 pix)
Per image, a grid is set from Image -> Configure Grid and Snapping is enabled in View -> Snap to Grid

That will keep you in straight lines within those snap settings.

Personally, I do not use Click-n-Drag for this, I use the keyboard up-down-left-right keys. With the move tool active the keys move a pixel at a time, for larger moves Shift+key keeps things in line.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Move Horizontal or Vertical in GIMP - by rich2005 - 10-09-2021, 10:20 AM

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