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Move tool very slow
Is you system on Wayland or X11? On my Ubuntu 24.04 with X11, there is small lag when I move a 32Mpix layer across a 2560x1440 screen, but nothing like 2 seconds, on either 2.10.34 or 3.00RC3.

The distributed 3.00 RCs may be compiled with little optimization and some debug options(*), so may be try the 2.10 flatpak which could be more representative of the speed.

(*) I compile my own and I can't be sure that I'm using the same compile options as the distributed version.

Messages In This Thread
Move tool very slow - by Photoniker - Yesterday, 12:34 AM
RE: Move tool very slow - by Ofnuts - Yesterday, 12:58 AM
RE: Move tool very slow - by Photoniker - Yesterday, 02:29 AM

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