(02-14-2023, 07:12 PM)rich2005 Wrote: It would help if you give the version of linux you have installed such as Ubuntu 22.04 or Mint 21 or Debian 10 .... there are any number of linux's Then if that installation is anything different such as a linux in a chromebook for example.
Back to the question. That first bit /home/c in linux can be abbreviated to ~ (that is your home folder/partition)
So the best place to put your scripts is ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/scripts/ and the same for any of the other resources; plug-ins / fonts / brushes / ... there is a folder for each.
You can put them in the /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/share - for scripts / brushes / palettes but why make things difficult for yourself. The same for plug-ins /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
For linux plugins, either binary or somename.py, these need to be executable. You can usually set that using the file browser, what you get depends on the linux version.
When it comes to python plugins, there can be a snag. The most recent linux does not support the python2 required for them. There are fixes but that is another story.
Lets start off with the version of linux you use. If you are not sure, in a terminal lsb_release -a might tell you.
Hey bud, thanks for the reply. Here is the contents of my /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Parrot OS 5.2 (Electro Ara)"
NAME="Parrot OS"
VERSION="5.2 (Electro Ara)"
Here is the output of lsb_release -a as well
Distributor ID: Parrot
Description: Parrot OS 5.2 (Electro Ara)
Release: 5.2
Codename: ara
And I figured it was better to put them in one, for some reason I couldn't ever get them to work unless I put them in both folders though.
What exactly do you mean by "make things more difficult for yourself". If you are talking about the fact of having things in two places for no good reason , then yes I completely agree lol.
The main reason I decided to ask this question is because I started getting error messages with some of the plug-ins/scripts. Honestly, it could be on my end entirely, I have seen a few where it gave an error message because I didn't have the correct setup for the plug-in/script to even run (layer wasn't active, etc.). But again, I assumed the error messages for other issues were most likely because I have them in two spots and it's probably conflicting somehow. I was always to paranoid to delete them out of one directory to test it out because I didn't want it to not work again.
But either way, thanks again for the reply, and if there is any more information you need just let me know. Appreciate it!