Looked up an example here: http://osxdaily.com/2019/06/06/get-macos...allpapers/ and that is very dark.
As an alternative to previous solution, and a bit of fun messing with gmic filters, there is in the colour section color presets & a lot of color-lookup-tables (CLUT). Note these get downloaded and stored, one time only as required (or maybe not with the latest gmic's might already be included)
All different sorts, not many very dark but a couple of examples: https://i.imgur.com/KWhkx2O.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hlA38lG.jpg those are default but there are sliders to adjust if required.
As an alternative to previous solution, and a bit of fun messing with gmic filters, there is in the colour section color presets & a lot of color-lookup-tables (CLUT). Note these get downloaded and stored, one time only as required (or maybe not with the latest gmic's might already be included)
All different sorts, not many very dark but a couple of examples: https://i.imgur.com/KWhkx2O.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hlA38lG.jpg those are default but there are sliders to adjust if required.