12-21-2023, 10:46 PM
If you can't see gradient tool check Edit > Preferences > Tool Box and uncheck 'Use tool groups'. That's what I do.
The gradient tool is tricky to use. I selected the pink background by > foreground color (in the toolbox) then used the eyedropper next to 'HTML notation'.
Now your image background is your foreground color.
Then Gradient tool and use 'foreground to transparent'. Click around the guitar and take it left. I hold the shift key down but maybe don't have to. You will have to experiment with this tool
also went right and up with new gradients.
The gradient tool is tricky to use. I selected the pink background by > foreground color (in the toolbox) then used the eyedropper next to 'HTML notation'.
Now your image background is your foreground color.
Then Gradient tool and use 'foreground to transparent'. Click around the guitar and take it left. I hold the shift key down but maybe don't have to. You will have to experiment with this tool