Really it is two separate procedures. The first eight minutes is making that gold foil pattern and the rest consider as separate for some text.
1. DM uses drag and drop to add the pattern layer over the text. It is from the pattern, click-hold, drag into the text tab then into the canvas. If you can not do that then Edit -> Copy the pattern, into the text image and Edit -> Paste As -> New layer.
2. Back to the text layer to make a selection. DM uses some shortcut for this but for a beginner use the menu. Layer -> Transparency -> Alpha to selection. That selects the text characters.
3. To add the gold pattern to the text DM uses a layer mask. Make the pattern layer active, Use the menu Layer -> Mask -> Add Layer mask and the selection option.
4. Now the text is coloured, give it some texture by bump-mapping. File -> Map -> Bump Map. Use the rough base layer as the source, then adjust sliders to suit.
Those 4 steps as a 1 minute video: (I do not think that is going to play, you will have to download it 4 MB mp4 file)
You can turn the selection off now and add any embellishments like that gradient. Well done DM slapping your logo over the Gimp layers dock.