I already found the solution!
Hi,Using script guides for paths, I created 4 paths.
But when I try to select these paths for selection (Path To Selection) nothing happens.
But if I use the Rectangle Select Tool and create a selection and then transform it into a path, from that path I can select it via "Path to Selection '.
Obs: The "this path works" path I made with the Rectangle Select Tool.
I don't know where I'm going wrong.
Do the paths generated by the Guides To Path plugin behave differently?
How to make these paths be selected?
Quote: Path summary Warning
Path "A8" [4]:
(0.0, 0.0) <- 2 : 154.0 : OPN -> (0.0, 154.0)
(154.0, 0.0) <- 2 : 154.0 : OPN -> (154.0, 154.0)
(0.0, 0.0) <- 2 : 154.0 : OPN -> (154.0, 0.0)
(0.0, 154.0) <- 2 : 154.0 : OPN -> (154.0, 154.0)
Path summary Warning
Path "this path works" [1]:
(199.0, 145.0) <- 4 : 224.0 : CW -> (199.0, 200.0)
I thank you for your help!

Ok, with ofn-path-edits I managed to solve the problem !!
I used the option Join Strokes and voilà!
Now I can select the paths.