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Program instagram posts from desktop
Finally found a solution !
the programm Genymotion is a android emulator. It is meant for app developers, but there is a free version for personal use, very limited, but it is enough for what I have to do.
(08-31-2023, 06:20 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: This looks like a very standard Web Services REST API.

actually the difficulty comes from Meta's politics. For those requests to be available, you need to create a facebook developer's account, link the account to your instagram, create a facebook app and declare it to obtain an ID , create a token, how knows what more... I have the feeling that it is meant for societies with a dedicated social network employee, not for some guy like me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Program instagram posts from desktop - by jacques_duflos - 09-13-2023, 04:31 PM

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